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Why donate?

When you donate to a charity, a large portion of your donation goes to administrative costs and paying their staff (some estimates put overheads between 26% and 87% of the donation gets eaten by the charity). The leftover money is sent wherever a centralized group of people see fit.

Alternatively, when you donate to GoFundMe or Kickstarter, you’re donating to projects in the hope that they’re genuine and can make a difference. They’re also centralized and can decide to prevent you from funding certain projects. That can’t happen on EarthFund.

But when you donate to EarthFund, you’re donating to a cause that you care about. And the cause is made up of people who care about the same thing. So they’re dedicated to finding projects that are going to make a real difference, chatting to experts and making sure every penny goes to making a difference.

Last updated