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ELI5: EarthFund terminology

EarthFund uses a couple of pieces of EarthFund-specific terminology within the platform.

Causes: causes are autonomous DAOs on the EarthFund platform focused on specific ways of changing the world for the better. For example, we already have a cause dedicated to Mental Health and Wellbeing tackling the global mental health crisis and a Carbon Removal cause focusing on ways to remove carbon from the atmosphere and mitigate climate change.

Funds: Funds are dedicated pots of money (broken into grants) to be given out to projects that meet the criteria. Once the projects have been voted on, the fund will close and a new fund will open up for voting, and so on and so on...

EXAMPLE: you might have a Save the Whales fund with three $30,000 grants to be given out to three whale-saving projects voted on by the community. Once these projects have been voted on, the fund will close and the money will be sent to the projects the community has chosen.

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